The 2024 PEAK Track II Spring Meeting and PAGD Annual Meeting will be at the Harrisburg Hilton and Towers from May 16-19, 2024. The brief schedule is below:
Thursday, May 16
PEAK Presentations from your Colleagues
Hear your colleagues present real-world examples of how they implemented lessons learned on esthetics and restorative from the 2023 Fall meeting. Nothing to present? Come anyway, the best lessons are often learned from your colleagues.
AGD Subject Code - 130 Electives
7.0 Credit Hours Available
Evening Social Event
Friday, May 17
Clinical Workflow for Success with Digital Dentures by Dr. Brian Goodacre
Participants will learn the benefits and get hands-on experience with a three-appointment workflow to fabricate digital dentures. This will include how to create a custom tray chairside in minutes, how to modify and evaluate a Wagner Try-in and record a centric relation record. Additionally, it is widely known that 3D printed complete dentures are becoming a viable option, but how do they compare to milled dentures? This lecture will compare the physical properties of milled and printed complete dentures to help determine their best applications.
Learning Objectives:
- Discuss how to use a three-appointment workflow for digital dentures
- Discuss how to utilize intraoral scanners to streamline your digital denture workflow
- Compare 3D printed and milled denture properties
- Learn to evaluate and modify a digital denture preview online.
- Practice creating a custom tray, evaluating and modifying a Wagner Try-in, and create a Centric Relation Record
Many thanks to Avadent and Dexis for supporting the hands-on portion of this course.
AGD Subject Code - 610 Fixed Prosthodontics
7.0 Credit Hours Available
Evening Social Event
Saturday, May 18
3D Printing in the Dental Practice – Current Applications by Dr. Rick Ferguson
3D printing is set to revolutionize how we practice dentistry. We will discuss the variety of dental applications including surgical guides, bite splints and nightguards, prototypes, permanent restoration such as inlays, onlays and crowns, dentures etc. Upon completion of this course, the participant should understand the current applications for 3D printing in dentistry and specifically in a clinical dental practice.
- Workflows for surgical guides including data sets required
- Workflows for printing temporaries – Shells and direct to preps
- Workflows for bite splints
- Workflows for dentures
- Workflows for clear aligners
- In office design or outsourced design
- Types of 3D printers including pricing and applications for each
- Live demonstrations of 3D printing and post processing
AGD Subject Code - 130 Electives
7.0 Credit Hours Available
Sunday, May 19
Diagnostic, Clinical, and Practical Considerations in the Management of Orthodontic Treatment with Clear Aligners by Dr. Antonio Secchi
Control, efficiency, and versatility are key features when it comes to digitally planning our clear aligner treatments. This presentation will explore some important considerations of diagnosis and case selection when treating orthodontic cases with clear aligners. Also, clinical, and everyday practical considerations of clear aligners therapy will be reviewed, such as how and why we should customize the aligners trim line or merge STL and CBCT to have a true anatomical digital model. We will also discuss the advantages/disadvantages of adding to your office some 3D printing capabilities when it comes to manage clear aligners treatment. Treatment of cases with different types of malocclusions will be reviewed.
Course Objectives:
- To understand the importance of having control when digitally treatment planning aligners cases.
- To learn how to properly select the trim line for your aligners.
- To learn when and how to use a combined STL and CBCT files for treatment planning.
- To understand the practicality of having 3D printing capabilities in your digital platform.
AGD Subject Code - 370 Orthodontics
4.0 Credit Hours Available